Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module Eleven Homework - You be the Arbitrator

Module Eleven Homework - You be the Arbitrator

Q 1. As arbitrator, what would be your award and opinion in this arbitration? 2. Identify the key, relevant section(s), phrases, or words of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA), and explain why they were critical in making your decision.

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Following the collective bargaining agreement or CBA, the position of the union is not established in the provided situation. The collective bargaining agreement ahs been breached for this case by the employer as the employer has claimed that the grievant has made the work environment hostile. Even it can be stated that after giving 20 years of service to the company and that too without any single incident, the grievant deserved a better treatment from the employer. Another critical thing is that the grievant has asked the help from the union immediately he understood about